Policies and Procedures
- Accessibility Plan - Our plan to ensure the accessibility of our school's environment meets the needs of all.
- Admissions Policy - Details on admission arrangements, in-year applications, over-subscription criteria, waiting lists and the appeals process.
- Adults in School Confidentiality Policy - Our policy and procedures surrounding confidentiality.
- Anti-Bullying Policy - How we deal with incidents of bullying and our bullying prevention strategies.
- Assessment Policy - Details of how we use assessment at each stage.
- Attendance and Punctuality Policy - How we monitor attendance and punctuality, as well as our process of recording absences.
- Behaviour Policy - How we ensure the school is a safe and supportive environment for all.
- Charging and Remissions Policy - LAT's approach to charging, particularly in relation to educational visits and trips.
- Complaints Policy and Procedure - Explains how to raise a concern or make a complaint and what process LAT will follow to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.
- Curriculum Policy - Overview of school's curriculum offer.
- Data Protection Policy - How personal information is dealt with properly and securely.
- Data Protection-Appendix - Privacy Notice Pupil
- Data Protection-Appendix - Privacy Notice Adult
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy - How LAT aims to be a diverse and inclusive organisations.
- Exclusions Policy - The key principles, roles and responsibilities for exclusions in all LAT schools, in line with statutory guidance.
- Health & Safety Policy - Responsibilities and arrangements for Health & Safety.
- Homework Strategy - Details on the LAT's Homework Strategy
- Online Safety Policy - How we support online safety as part of our commitment to safeguarding pupils.
- PSHE (Personal, Social and Economic) Policy - The RSE curriculum, why it is taught, and how it is delivered.
- Provider Access Policy - How we provide pupils in years 8-13 access to providers of post-14, post-16 and post18 education and training.
- Reading Strategy - Outlines the aims of the LAT Reading Strategy
- Restrictive Physical Intervention (RPI) Policy - School's position with regards to necessary physical interventions and safeguarding the well-being of students and staff.
- Safeguarding Policy - How we ensure our pupils are safe and the steps we take when this may not be the case.
- SEN Information Report - How we meet students' special educational needs
- Student Appeals Policy - How students can appeal against grades.
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy - How we support pupils with medical conditions.
- Teaching and Learning - Our policy on teaching and learning.
- Uniform Policy - Expectations of how pupils should dress according to the uniform policy.
- Whistleblowing Policy - Outlines the process for reporting and investigating concerns of malpractice and serious wrongdoing.